Should You Get Fitted With Trackman? One of the big issues people come across when getting fitted for custom golf clubs is that they aren’t really sure whether or not Trackman technology is worth their time since they aren’t a top level golfer. Trackman technology is a great way to not only be fitted for custom golf clubs but to just …
Custom Golf Lesson #4 – Controlling The Club Face
Custom Golf Lesson #4 – Controlling The Club Face As everybody already knows, consistently striking the ball takes much time, effort, and repetition. However it also takes a lot of information, and Trackman can provide you with mounds of information that can help you build a better golf game. One key area that we want to focus on in this custom …
Custom Golf Lesson #3 – Hitting Long Irons
Another critical golf shot that you need to have in your bag is an accurate long iron shot. So many people struggle getting proper lift and distance with these irons, and these are the shots that can make a difference between saving par and getting an easy birdie…or for some maybe saving a double bogey! Check Out one of top …